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Sep 7Liked by Liron Shapira

His mic seems not to have been working right, but otherwise a solid episode. Certainly interesting to hear you debate with someone more pessimistic than yourself. I think his intuition that anything smarter than us that is capable of recursive self-improvement will not be controllable, but he seemed not to be understanding most of your sub-points. Not sure what to make of that. It's the thing that interests me most about this domain, but usually it's folks high on copium not understanding arguments for doom, but the same points seemed to make him stumble. Definitely one possibility is that the yudkowskian points you make (and which I understand) are actually just bunk in some way and we're the ones who are wrong.

in any case, he seemed unnecessarily sanguine about future human progress. Robin Hanson might have some key lessons for him about culture collapse and the coming dark age (if we don't get AGI right sooner rather than later).

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